Based on true events, “Caller Unavailable,” follows Emmy, a young woman embarking on her dream life post-graduation. Everything is falling into place, from her long-distance boyfriend finally moving into her family’s swanky New York City apartment, to starting her new job as a Producer’s Assistant on a feature film. However, a month later, 30,000 dollars in debt and completely alone, she realizes how wrong she was.
Bella Maxwell (She/Her) is a bicoastal actor, writer and director originally from Sonoma County, California and a recent graduate of NYU Tisch with a BFA in Drama. Through NYU she has studied theater at the Atlantic Studio and at the NYU Berlin campus. For TV and film, she studied at Stonestreet Studios where she began creating her own content with other artists in the NYC area. On top of acting, she has worked with notable theaters in New York such as En Garde Arts, Theater for the New City, and The Hess Collective. When she is back home in California, she enjoys spending time with her family, friends and all her animals. All her animals being three dogs, three cats, 20 chickens and two goats.
In her statement about "Caller Unavailable", Bella has stated that At its core, this short film “Caller Unavailable,” explores what people do during the onset of trouble. How people maneuver, rationalize, and cope. We see our protagonist transform from the “lucky one,” to the “unlucky one,” and in turn, watch her confront misguided preconceptions that led her to that point.